I'm Pia, a stylist and creative based between New York and London. Before fashion, I was a journalist. After fashion, I'll be an icon.

I've been a resident of the fashion world for 12 years and counting. I've created, critiqued, consulted, styled, forecasted, and directed.

In this blog we will be discussing how fashion started and how stereotypes is a big impact in society.

 fashion history

Fashion started when humans started wearing “clothes” which at the beginning it was created from plants and leaves. Fashion design started approximately around 1826-1895, Charles Frederick Worth is known as one of the first fashion designers. Worth was one of the first artist to implement a fashion show with live models.

Fashion is more than just a piece of clothing. It is an art form to express our personalities and emotions. Throughout time, fashion has been a reflection of society and a representation of our values and beliefs. It is also a form to determine our social and financial status.


Fashion created different ways to express ourselves but unfortunately that also created stereotypes and judgement towards people (mostly women) due to what they wear or even how they style their hair. We usually pick our styles, colors, and hairstyles that fit our personality. Starting at a very young age, society decided that if you are a girl everything needs to be pink and if you are a boy everything should be blue to enhance the gender.

As we got older even more stereotypes arose, especially for women. Society started to expect and decide what a woman should wear to be respected by others. Religion has a big impact in this matter, back in the days women were not allowed to wear pants because it was not “ladylike” and also went against some religions. Fortunately, lots of the old stereotypes have fallen through with the years, but women still feel judged by their appearance. According to the article “A survey of over 10,000 female-identifying women, aged over 18 years old, has revealed global attitudes to the judgement that women face over their appearance. Of the women surveyed, 97% believed they were judged for how they look, with a majority (61%) also receiving abuse or negative comments in person, or online.”

Stereotypes were created by people’s opinion, and how they think a women should be dressed according to their social status. Women always have to prioritize their appearance to satisfy other people. The judgement from others have not stopped over the years, it would be impossible to satisfy every human being in the world.

Unfortunately, judgement is in our human nature but there is way to improve and reduce it. Stereotypes and judgement creates division between people because we are always comparing ourselves to others.

Some helpful ways to stop judgement are ,understanding that not everyone thinks the same way we do. not passing judgement along and accepting other for who they are, not what we expect them to be.

In this blog fashion is the hero of the story because it was created for a good reason, to help others express themselves and their personalities. The villain of the story is the stereotypes created from society and how it affects all of us.


“97% of Women Worldwide Feel Judged for How They Look.”, 31 Mar. 2023, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.

“Charles Frederick Worth | Barbara Frères.” Barbara Frères Für Kinder, 24 Jan. 2017, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.

Roles of Fashion in Our Society.”, 13 Oct. 2022, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.

Babauta, Leo. “A Simple Method to Avoid Being Judgmental (Yes, That Means You!) : Zen Habits.”, 1 Jan. 2019, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.

“The History of Fashion: Trends & Design.”, 2023, Accessed 5 Nov. 2023